When you feel stressed about getting your child off a screen

If you are about to end a period of screentime and dreading the inevitable meltdown, take 6.5 minutes to listen to this before you do. I promise you it’ll be worth it.

We hear about the impact of technology on the developing brain; the dopamine addiction, the shortened attention span, the interference with melatonin production, the desensitisation to violence and this leads to mixed feelings about screens

Sign up below and you'll be taken straight through to the audio, and you'll also receive an email with the audio link so you can listen at any time.

You'll also find my guidance on your questions:

  • "How much screentime is okay?"
  • "How should I set a limit?"

Help is at Hand

Access the sanity-saving Screentime Audio

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      Roma Norriss is an experienced Parenting Consultant, turning around scratch-your-eyes-out-hard family situations where nothing else has worked. She has been working with parents (as a Birthworker, NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor) since 2006.

      Dubbed the ‘Nigella of the parenting world’, she can be sighted in a naughty red dress but in actuality spends most of her time coaching internationally from her bed in pyjamas with her hair standing on end. She is a warm, overconfident, prolific, playful, pattern interrupter, who somehow has the answers to your life.

      Find Roma at

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